ALL CATEGORIES that lead to the Collections:
Christian, Spirituality Variously, Religions, Sant Mat,
Esoteric Sufism, Animals and Nature, Corporeal…

The pieces below on this Page are your Links to the named Collections

Jesus in Doorway to Heaven           1-1/2” Thick x16” Wide x26” HighJesus Resurrected (Beyond Physical Plane)                       COLLECTION

Jesus in Doorway to Heaven
1-1/2” Thick x16” Wide x26” High

Jesus Resurrected (Beyond Physical Plane)

The Jesus Resurrected Collection shows and symbolizes the beyond-death Life of Christ Consciousness in various interpretive Art pieces.

Jesus Resurrecting at Cross Collection

Jesus Resurrecting at Cross Collection

The Jesus Resurrecting at Cross Collection takes a theme of his responses ranging from beatitude to ecstasy.

Purity, Innocence, Pristine-ness, and Symbols of the Promises Easter brings. . . .

Purity, Innocence, Pristine-ness, and Symbols of the Promises Easter brings. . . .

Mary, Angels, and Saints are included in this Purity Collection.

Click on the Image(s) to Experience the topic Collections.

SPIRITUALITY VARIOUSLY Collection SPIRITUAL Practices to connect to Great Spirit

SPIRITUAL Practices to connect to Great Spirit

Maulana RUMI—the famous Inner Spiritual Teacher and prized Poet of enormous renown.  Clicking on image takes you to Esoteric Sufism.

Maulana RUMI—the famous Inner Spiritual Teacher and prized Poet of enormous renown.

Clicking on image takes you to Esoteric Sufism.


Islam claims the figures i intend to put in this Category’s Collection, but these figures had little or nothing to do with religion and temples, but focused on direct contact with God/ Allah, or beyond Allah.

RELIGION COLLECTION clicks on… CONFUCIOUS - who led to Confucianism, which which approaches True Living and morality.

CONFUCIOUS - who led to Confucianism, which which approaches True Living and morality.

This famous SRI YANTRA goes to MANDALAS COLLECTION. This isn’t a wood carving—yet—but comes from my 2D Graphics Arts days.

It shows Mandala aren’t necessity round.

Major Planes of Nanak

Major Planes of Nanak

The Planes of Nanak

Nanak in the 1400s and 1500s led humanity to the True Realm/Sach Khand and established

Click on this Mandala to go to                        Mandala Collection

Click on this Mandala to go to
Mandala Collection

Woman with Abstract Hair Smelling Flower                   1.5’ Thick x 14” Round

Woman with Abstract Hair Smelling Flower

1.5’ Thick x 14” Round

Corporeal Subjects